Advanced Trainings for Enneagram Professionals and Teachers

June 17, 2014 | By David Daniels

The enriched and expanded Enneagram Narrative Curriculum begins with the Enneagram Narrative Core Program, which can benefit any lover of the Enneagram, and consists of three courses: Enneagram Intensive 2.0, Instincts and Subtypes, and Deepening Spiritual Awareness.

Participants can then choose to continue with the Expanded Enneagram Professional Training Program, which starts with the Typing Process, and then continues along two paths, one for Enneagram Narrative professionals and another for aspiring Enneagram teachers. Based on much knowledge and experience acquired during the past 25 years of our trainings, these two certification tracks bring a wealth of new information and depth to working with the Enneagram system of nine personality styles.

  • Included in the Enneagram Narrative Professionals certification track, our new The Enneagram for Therapists, Counselors and Coaches: Skills and Practices for Working One-on-One with Clients training consists of effective life-changing strategies and interventions for the nine types, skill-building in self-reflection, self-observation, receptive awareness, and personal development and mastery. We also work with the 5As of the Universal Growth Process, especially being sure to incorporate the vital somatic element, since bodily reactivity always occurs before cognitive experience. Positive change depends upon the ability to open-heartedly self-observe our reactivity and, using the inquiry process, to discover the core beliefs embedded in our lives.  Grasping our core beliefs experientially allows us to free their energy for transformation. We create outcomes in which all the participants become more mindful and are more able to “walk the talk” in their lives.
  • An essential part of the Enneagram Narrative Teachers track, the Enneagram Narrative Teachers Training is designed for all those who wish to bring the Enneagram further into the world, conduct seminars, deepen personal effectiveness, foster growth in the nine types, and embody Enneagram self-awareness principles while teaching. We emphasize not only presentation skills and the work of conducting panels, but also personal growth practices that are appropriate for where participants are in their lives, and the context of the particular class.

Regardless of the specific content of these new trainings, our focus is always on respecting personal boundaries, open-hearted exploration, the inquiry process, helping participants understand their type structure and core beliefs, the next step of development for each participant, integration of all three centers of intelligence and the essential qualities into their lives, and understanding and appreciation of differences. We teach in a way that creates delightful and lighthearted experience as we always bring forth the positive qualities of the types and the joy in release from confines of old personality patterns.

I urge you to consider attending one of these new delightful and enriched training programs. You will find that in the Narrative Tradition everyone becomes a contributor as participants share their knowledge and experience on panels of exemplars and in breakout groups. And do give us some input! 

Enneagram Narrative Programs The Narrative Tradition The Typing Process


Ellen eisman says

Interested in advanced training

Ellen eisman says

My colleague and I are interested in the two advanced training possibilities

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